Cindy Reese is a master seamstress with over two decades of experience creating custom slipcovers for nearly every type of furniture. Cindy began Sew it Up 25 years ago as an opportunity to put her passion for sewing to work while remaining at home with her three children.

These family values are still present today in the work at Sew it Up, as the company truly became a "family business" when Cindy's daughter, Christiana, joined the team in 2016.

Meet Our Team



Cindy reese

Owner/Master Seamstress

Cindy first learned to sew in her Home Economics class during middle school (we won't mention what year that was). She was able to put her sewing skills to use once again after becoming a mother, making clothing and other items for her three children. Now that her children are all adults, reminiscing over photos of this clothing usually provides a few laughs. However, making that clothing helped to refine the skills Cindy needed to start her slipcover business, as she likes to describe slipcovers as "clothing for your furniture."

In 1995 Cindy moved to Knoxville with her husband (John) and three children (Bekka, Mike and Christiana) to be involved with student ministries at the University of Tennessee. She started Sew it Up later that year, putting her talent and passion for sewing to use while also providing additional income for the family.


christiana reese thomson

Marketing + Web Manager/Seamstress

Christiana moved from Nashville back to Knoxville in 2015 with her husband (Garrett) and dog (June). At the time, Cindy was overwhelmed with work and needing to bring on some help. Having previously worked for Sew it Up during summer vacations from college, it seemed like it may be the perfect opportunity for her to join the team permanently (even if it meant seeing her mother now EVERY day).

While at Sew it Up Christiana has been able to put her previous marketing and digital skills to work, updating Sew it Up's online presence, while also mastering her own slipcovering skills. But by far the best part of the job is the fact that she gets to bring June to work with her every day!

June "junie-bug" thomson

Sew It Up Mascot

If you've ever been to our workroom then you've surely met June, our smiling shop dog. She's the sweetest, cutest dog you'll meet - especially with that under-bite! As most dogs do, June expects that everyone who stops by is there to see her, greeting each person with her signature teeth-baring smile.

Lovingly referred to as "Junie-Bug," she always keeps things interesting at Sew it Up and reminds us to have a little fun now and then. While she may not contribute to making the slipcovers, June is a huge part of Sew it Up and helps to remind us all what is most important in life, as only a dog can.